The Bulletin - The 12th issue mark


When I first launched The Bulletin I wanted to have a separate “blog” area where I could share some further thoughts and insights. I intended to have some behind the scenes details of The Bulletin and perhaps articles on business life, writing, productivity and some announcements on any new initiatives that I planned to launch.

At that time I really didn’t have much to write about apart from announcing that The Bulletin had launched, as I had only completed one issue. I also had no idea of the path or trajectory that this weekly publication would take and I did not anticipate the upward path of getting back into thought-leadership writing, something that I hadn’t practised in years.

Twelve issues in, it has been quite the journey. From getting used to having this publication as part of my weekly routine to seeing how my writing skills have changed over the past 4 months (Issue 1 was hours and hours of editing, pacing around the room and many visits to the fridge)

Writing and publishing each issue has also allowed me to meet new connections and then have some great discussions about where the entertainment industry is heading, with all the new exciting products and services. This weekly publication exercise has been invaluable to expand my own knowledge, by exploring new ideas and thinking about trends and opportunities.

At present, The Bulletin has been read by subscribers in over 32 countries with the USA and UK being the top 2 subscriber and traffic sources. Even amongst the top 12 (below), it has been very interesting to note countries such as Sweden and Vietnam in the geographical rankings.

At the moment, I don’t tend to pay too much attention to traffic or analytics, which will probably horrify some of my more data conscious readers, however, this lack of attention has been more down to time constraints and the core focus of being quality over quantity. I am sure I will get around to tinkering with Google Analytics very soon!

Thank you for all your support, feedback, recommendations, the many Zoom calls and the chance to meet some of you who, without The Bulletin, would have never become new industry colleagues and friends.

Best wishes,



Publishing The Bulletin part 1: Weekday routine


The launch of The Bulletin