The launch of The Bulletin


Today marked the inaugural launch of The Bulletin.

I started my career in the media and entertainment industry in London more than 20 years ago and I have always been a voracious reader of business insights and news, whitepapers and studies, thought leadership and statistics. 

Taking my experience and applying it to a mix of new trends and developments was akin to finding more pieces of a puzzle. My desk used to be piled high with printed paper marked “to read.” This information-hoarding then morphed itself into a weekly email that I sent to my colleagues, containing industry news summaries and links, as their need-to-knows rather than their nice-to-knows.

As more and more media outlets repurposed and republished the same articles or content (unfortunately to gain traffic or to be “first”) I continued to curate my own content from feeds, outlets, magazines and newspapers. I wanted to spend more time reading the things that mattered and less time filtering out the media noise. I also wanted to share this curated resource with those in my network and industry, to encourage thought, dialogue and the exchange of ideas.

This has been the history and inspiration behind the creation of The Bulletin. Taking confidence, experience and knowing what is relevant, what is informative, interesting and thought-provoking and most importantly of all, having a global platform with which to share it with a select group of similar minded people.

Conrad Buck


The Bulletin - The 12th issue mark